Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Ultrasound Pictures

At 13 weeks Darrell and I went to an ultrasound specialist to have a down syndrome test with baby #2. We are not worried about this baby having down syndrome nor do we care if this baby has it because we will love and take care of this baby no matter how things turn out. We decided to do this test to see our new baby with a better and more high tech ultrasound machine and because at 13 weeks they can make a better educated guess as to what we are having. It was such an awesome experience. We saw so much. The baby was wiggling, "talking", waving, kicking, and arching its back. It was so cute. We even got to see some 3D pictures. We got some of the appointment on a DVD and they gave us about 10 pictures. Here are a couple. They "think" or should I say "they are pretty sure" we are having a boy. We go back in about 4 weeks for another ultrasound. We will find out for sure then. We will keep everyone updated.
Ok, now the photos...

The second one has an arrow pointed to it to show us why they are pretty sure we are having a boy. The third one actually says, "I'm pretty sure it's a boy!!!" Darrell was so excited and kept asking the doctor so he stopped what he was doing and quickly showed us this and typed that above the picture. LOL. The last one is one of our 3D pictures.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Let it begin... THE PLAN: Don't allow binkies in her mouth other than at bed time, on car rides, and when she is really really upset. Step 1: Cut one binky nipple so she thinks it is ruined and she doesn't want it. When she does get it at bed time or in the car she will think she is getting a treat. Step 2: No more binkies in the car. Only allow binkies at bed time. (We are not their yet...but maybe in a couple of weeks, realistically it will probably be more like a month or two) Step 3: No binkies at all...I am terrified of this stage...I don't know if we will ever get here. Hopefully we will be here by the time the new baby comes.